Civil Service Division

In accordance with the Civil Service and Human Capital Modernization Act, 62§34.301 C , employees have 10 business days to file a complaint with the Civil Service Division (CSD) after receiving a disciplinary action or alleged punitive transfer.  If the hearing process is required, the hearing shall take place within thirty (30) business days from the filing of the complaint. 


Employees filing a complaint with the CSD shall prove that there was no reasonable basis for the disciplinary action by the state agency.  The review of the merits of the complaint shall be limited to the employee disciplinary file directly at issue.


CSD will receive and hear the following complaints in regards to:


Written Reprimands

Alleged Punitive Transfers

Suspension Without Pay

Involuntary Demotions



CSD will also receive Whistleblower complaints for the Attorney General’s office to investigate.